The most current Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) dated August 30, 2013, show proposed special flood hazard areas that are subject to inundation by the base flood (100-year flood), as well as the regulatory floodway.
Frequently Asked Questions
FEMA updates the maps to reflect the most recent flood studies based on new topography and modeling as they become available. This set of maps more accurately depicts floodplain and floodway boundaries and associated information in Ilwaco.
No new areas have been added to the Ilwaco FIRMS. Most areas of Ilwaco have been removed from the FIRMS, except the area south of SR101, Vandalia and the area around Mary Ann and Adelia south of Lake Street.
Ilwaco City Hall, 120 First Ave N, Ilwaco WA 98624.
FEMA will contact the city soon to schedule a formal community coordination meeting to discuss the revised flood hazard information, ordinance adoption and other frequently asked questions and concerns. After the meeting, there will be a 90-day appeal period, which will be published in the Chinook Observer. After FEMA has addressed all comments/appeals, the final FIRM and FIS for Ilwaco will be effective in 7-10 months.
At a Glance...
Panel 705: Small area north of town near Cape Disappointment