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Notice 09-13-2024 : Your Easy Access to Up-to-Date Information — Explore our new site, designed to make your search simple and straightforward.

Doing Business in Ilwaco


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  • STARTING A BUSINESS: The City of Ilwaco contracts with the Pacific County Economic Development Council (PCEDC) to provide assistance to new businesses. PCEDC has a number of resources for Starting a Business. Be sure to check out the New Business Checklist, as well as other resources on their website.

  • BUSINESS LICENSE: Ilwaco business licenses are issued and renewed online or by mail by the Washington State Business Licensing Services.

  • BUSINESS & OCCUPATION TAX REPORTING: Businesses with an Ilwaco endorsement on their business license must file Business & Occupation Tax Reports (quarterly or annually based on annual revenue) as long as the license is active, whether or not they conduct any business or collect any revenue in Ilwaco. The forms are generated from a new program and will be mailed to businesses within 2 weeks of the end of each quarter for quarterly reporters or the end of the year for annual reporters, so there is no need to print the form from this site (if needing to report for a different time period, contact the City Clerk at City Hall 360-642-3145). If a business doesn't receive a report, they will need to contact the City Clerk to make sure that their business information is accurate in the new system. More information is listed on the back of the report.

  • ZONING: Businesses wishing to locate within the City of Ilwaco should ensure they meet the city's zoning requirements. For a zoning map, click here. For the Allowed and Restricted Use Table, click here and go to Chapter 15.44.

  • BUILDING PERMITS: Building permits are issued through the City of Long Beach (360-642-4421).

  • SIGN PERMITS: Sign permits must meet municipal code. To learn more, click here to go to Chapter 15.45. For the sign permit form, click here.