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Baker Bay Stormwater Infiltration Project Call for Bids

Sealed Proposals will be received by the undersigned at the City of Ilwaco, 120 First Avenue North, Ilwaco, Washington 98624, up to 10:00 a.m.; local time on July 3, 2024, for furnishing the necessary labor, materials, equipment, tools, and guarantees thereof to construct the Baker Bay Ilwaco Stormwater Project.

This project includes removal of approximately 32,000 sf of paved surfaces and installation of approximately 3,200 sf of biorention facilities, approximately 9,000 sf of new landscaped areas, approximately 500 sf of permeable pavers, six BioPod structures, 2,000 sf of new sidewalk, new curb, gutter, valley gutter and asphalt pavement, and 37 trees.

The work will be substantially complete by December 7, 2024 stated in the Notice to Proceed. All bidding and construction shall be performed in compliance with the Contract Provisions and Contract Plans for this project and any addenda issued thereto that are on file at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Ilwaco, Washington.

Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at City Hall shortly after the time and date stated above. Proposals are to be submitted only on the form provided with the Bid Documents. All Proposals must be accompanied by a certified check, postal money order, cashiers check or Proposal bond payable to the "City of Ilwaco" and in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total Proposal amount.

Bid Documents for this project are available free-of-charge at the following website:

A mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on June 20, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. at the Ilwaco Pavilion, located at 195 Howerton Ave, Ilwaco, WA 98624. Bids from bidders who do not attend and participate in the Pre-Bid Meeting will not be accepted.

Funding for this project comes in part from the Washington State Department of Ecology. Neither the State of Washington nor any of its departments or employees are, or shall be, a party to any contract or subcontract resulting from this solicitation for bids.  Additional financing of the project is provided by the City of Ilwaco and the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership.

The successful bidder will be required to conform to the wage requirements prescribed by the federal Davis-Bacon and Related Acts which requires that all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors performing on contracts funded in whole or in part by Washington State Department of Ecology’s Stormwater Grant Program pay their laborers and mechanics not less than the prevailing wage rates and fringe benefits, as determined by the Secretary of Labor, for corresponding classes of laborers and mechanics employed on similar projects in the area. All work performed on the project will be subject to the higher of the prevailing state or federal wage rates.

The City of Ilwaco is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer.  Small, Minority- and Women-owned firms are encouraged to submit bids.

The City of Ilwaco expressly reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and to waive minor irregularities or informalities and to Award the Project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder as it best serves the interests of the City.


(Signed)          SAMANTHA BAKER


Sea Level Rise Risk Assessment


Public Meeting (Hybrid)
August 22, 2024, from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Pacific County Administrative Building - Conference Room A
7013 Sandridge Road, Long Beach WA 98631

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 3066189481#


Pacific County recently completed an initial sea level rise (SLR) vulnerability and risk assessment[1] and StoryMap[2] in 2023 to develop saltwater inundation scenarios for 2050 and 2100.

The assessment was on a county-wide scale and included the shorelines within Ilwaco city limits. The assessment identified stormwater drainage capacity and drainage infrastructure management as priority topics of concern for future study. The community and residents within city limits were specifically concerned about existing flooding issues near the city center and the neighborhood of Vandalia as a part of the Pacific County Phase 1 assessment.

The City of Ilwaco will build upon the County’s Phase 1 assessment [3] by investigating these priority topics of concern, conducting groundwater and stormwater drainage mapping and analysis on prioritized areas within city limits to inform development of planning priorities, strategies, and regulations to mitigate SLR impacts.

The City will consult with a hydrogeologist to assess stormwater flooding and drainage capacities in high-priority areas of known flooding, as identified through stakeholder engagement. The City Public Works staff will be consulted to evaluate infrastructure needs and existing improvement plans. These analyses will be used to assess where policy and/or regulatory language should be amended to help mitigate the loss of development.

This project will result in:

  • Mapped areas of increased risk of impact;
  • Recommended resiliency strategies; and
  • Draft amendments to applicable plans to incorporate the identified strategies.


This project will include several public outreach events to educate and engage stakeholders. Outreach events will focus on discussion of the assessment maps and results, review of recommended actions, and identification of potential new regulatory language. Information and education on adaptation strategies will also be available.

Outreach events will focus on:

  • Discussion of the additional assessment results;
  • Review of city-specific maps; and
  • Identification and review of proposed policy and regulatory language.

A technical advisory committee (TAC) will be convened to review the model results and interpretation and to guide communications and follow-up actions. The same TAC will be used to advise the Pacific County Phase 2 project that is being conducted at the same time as the City of Ilwaco’s Phase 2 project.  Meetings will also be held in tandem, to reduce meeting times for stakeholders that would be affected by both projects.


2024 Tentative Meeting Schedule

Below is the expected schedule for meetings that will be held in 2024. This project will continue into 2025 with an anticipated completion date of June 2025.

Project Timeline

Public Outreach Events

The public is encouraged to attend virtual or in-person meetings to provide feedback on the project deliverables. Meeting dates will be available on this page as they are scheduled.

Pacific County Phase 1 Assessment

The Pacific County Phase 1 Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Risk Assessment and updates regarding the current Phase 2 Assessment can be viewed on the Pacific County webpage here: Sea Level Rise Risk Vulnerability & Risk Assessment (

The accompanying ArcGIS StoryMap is available here: Sea Level Rise Risk Assessment (

Related Projects:

[1] Planning Level Sea Level Rise Risk Assessment (

[2] Sea Level Rise Risk Assessment (

[3] Sea Level Rise Risk Vulnerability & Risk Assessment (

Shoreline Substantial Development, Shoreline Conditional Use Permit, and SEPA Determination - Port of Ilwaco Bulkhead Resilience Project

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Ilwaco will hold a rescheduled public hearing to consider the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and Shoreline Conditional Use Permit for the Port of Ilwaco East Bulkhead Resilience Project. The Public Hearing will take place on January 4, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at the Ilwaco Community Building Meeting Room, 156 N. First Street, Ilwaco, WA 98624. The Public Hearing can also be attended virtually using Zoom Meeting ID 385 864 1217. Citizens may provide written or oral comments at the hearing.

At its commercial fishing wharf, currently occupied by Safe Coast Seafoods, the Port of Ilwaco proposes to replace the failing east bulkhead with a sheetpile bulkhead, replace the slope protection to the north and south of the east bulkhead, and pave and regrade the upland wharf area directly landward of the east bulkhead to mitigate the effects of sea level rise. The proposed project is located at 117 Howerton Avenue SE on the following tax parcels: 73048003011, 73048003009 and 73031013000.


The project requires a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, Shoreline Conditional Use Permit, and SEPA Determination pursuant to the City’s Shoreline Master Program and WAC 197-11-800(2)(a)(i). Additional permits from other agencies with authority are also required, including, but not necessarily limited to: US Army Corps of Engineers Section 10/404 Permit, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA), Washington Department of Natural Resources Aquatic Use Authorization, and Washington Department of Ecology Coastal Zone Management Consistency determination.


The lead agency has determined that this proposal will not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of the completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This Determination of Non-Significance is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date of issuance.


Project information can be found on file at Ilwaco City Hall, 120 First Avenue North, Ilwaco, WA 98624. To receive a copy of the decision, once made, or for information on appeals, contact us at the above address. Staff Contact: Holly Beller;; (360) 642-3145.

Date of issuance: November 8, 2023

Baker Bay Stormwater Infiltration Project

The Estuary Partnership is working alongside the City of Ilwaco and the Port of Ilwaco to enhance the water quality of Baker Bay. The project will add stormwater treatment facilities along Howerton Avenue and its adjacent parking lots. The project will also enhance pedestrian connections between the Port’s parking areas, businesses on Howerton Avenue, and the Discovery Trail. The result will be a visually appealing streetscape that is appealing to locals and welcoming to area visitors.  Construction on this project is expected to begin in 2024. Read More